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Sparkle's Cabinet of Curiosities

Sparkle’s Cabinet of Curiosities was an installation/performance piece. The installation from the outside looked like a closet, but when you walked through it you entered a small room furnished by things I made. I played the part of Sparkle, an alien
from the planet Gliese who travels the world in a cabinet of curiosities, painting landscapes of different planets.

I sat in the installation for 6 hours, 7 days in a row as part of the 2018 Reykjavík Fringe Festival. I greeted guests and asked questions about the planet they came from(presumably being Earth. My favorite parts were when kids came in and completely bought into the fantasy. One even asked me to make my spaceship fly up and into space so she could see the Earth from above.

The show explored what it is to be alien, the beauty and size of the universe, and queerness.

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